Old Isn't Always Bad

A wizard sitting near a fireplace at a desk with a quill, writing on some parchment
I love to write sometimes. It's why back when I was part of the Haiku project that I kept a blog. It was a great way to publish news about my misadventures, but it also was specific to coding for BeOS and Haiku and not so much on other things. That's what this blog was for: the runoff of my brain on anything random. Nowadays my favorite place is Mastodon, but it's not great for anything long form. So that's why I'm here again, more than a decade after my last post. It's still here, and so am I.

What will you find here? Longer programming stuff, Linux, rants, brain dumps, probably situationally-useful tips, and stuff about Christianity. If you're not someone who believes, you might find the stuff I write about it actually interesting or at least different--I have spent my life as an exception to the rule, one who uses his brain and still thinks there's a God and that He's worth following. Politically I lean center and find both lots of things in common and plenty to criticize about both sides. Gentle criticism, mind you. There's enough hate going around already... I don't intend to add to it.


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