Late Night Thoughts

It's 11:39. I'm usually dead to the world by now, but I'm sitting at a computer that I've now moved to the basement for my music arranging projects. Staying up late, waiting on the glue to dry on some pipes I've patched so I can turn on the water to the house before I get some shut-eye.

At the risk of sounding like a religious nutcase, I'd like to invite you to give some thought to the possibilities of the unknown. Do you know everything there is to know? I sure don't. Half of everything? Me neither. A tenth? Not me. Considering how much there is to know that the human race doesn't know, don't you think that maybe God might be somewhere in that vast expanse of the unknown? Consider the possibility.

I've made no attempt to hide the fact that I'm what is called by some as a born-again Christian. I'd hardly say I fit that mold, though. The whole concept for me conjures up imagery of some guy in a bad suit and slicked-back hair waving his Bible around and almost yelling that everyone who doesn't "get saved" is going to Hell. Maybe it's because that's where I've heard the term used most. *shrug*.

I've no idea what my reputation in the Haiku / BeOS community is, but in real life, just about every stereotype I can think of that you could throw at me doesn't fit. I'm an introvert who likes the company of people, a geek and an enigma in the company of my fellow teachers, a right-brained band dork in the presence of real geeks and engineers, and I have a really hard time fitting in with my fellow believers at church. Anyone who knows me, though, will agree that I'm a straight-shooter who's almost honest to a fault and a free thinker.

From time to time, I'll probably write something to give you a little food for thought. Christians have an image of being supposedly perfect, having it together, of being judgmental or narrow-minded, mentally weak, using their faith as a crutch to get them through life, and a host of many other things.

Let me be real with you all. No Bible thumping (yuck!). No "repent or die!" No debates on creation vs. evolution. Just a guy who thinks he's found the way and is the first to say he doesn't understand it all or have all the answers. Have a good one, wherever you are. :-)


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